New Infinity Teppanyaki BBQ Models
We are pleased to announce two new models of the popular Infinity Teppanyaki BBQ.
- The Infinity Teppanyaki BBQ we have been selling has been rebranded as the “Infinity Teppanyaki 600 BBQ” and is now available with power options.
- A new, longer Infinity Teppanyaki – the Infinity Teppanyaki 900 BBQ – will soon be available. Look out for further details shortly.
The Infinity Teppanyaki 600 BBQ – What’s New?
The Infinity Teppanyaki 600 BBQ is now available with a choice of the following 240v power options:
- 10 amp BBQ powered by two 1200W / 5 amp electric elements, or
- 15 amp BBQ powered by two 1600W / 6.6 amp electric elements (sold as a 15 amp BBQ).
Both models are now supplied with an electrical lead and plug.
- The Infinity Teppanyaki 600 10 amp BBQ plugs into a standard power point.
This option provides the convenience of enabling the BBQ to be plugged into an existing power point or to use existing wiring. There is no need for a specific power connection for the 10 amp BBQ (unless, of course, the BBQ is to be installed in an area not serviced by an existing power connection).
- The Infinity Teppanyaki 600 15 amp BBQ is to be plugged into a dedicated 15 amp power point.
The 15 amp power point is to be installed by a licensed electrician, who can also advise on any specific requirements for safely connecting the 15 amp power point to your existing power supply.
NOTE – the 15 amp BBQ cannot be plugged into a 10 amp power point.
The Infinity Teppanyaki 600 BBQ – What Stays the Same?
The features of the Infinity Teppanyaki BBQ, which have made it a popular choice for outdoor (and indoor) kitchens, have not changed and remain integral to both the 10 amp BBQ and the 15 amp BBQ.
These features include:
- Hand-crafted in Australia from quality marine-grade stainless steel.
- Dual cooking zones with a maximised cooking area offer even heat over the entire cooking surface.
- Choice of the following lid options:
- Curved hinging lid
- Flat hinging lid
- Flat removable lid
- No Lid
- Easy to clean with a hidden fat cap for grease collection.
- Choose where the BBQ controls are located:
- Right side controls
- Left side controls.
- Certified for indoor and outdoor use Australia-wide (ideal for boat installations).
Enjoy Your Infinity Teppanyaki 600 BBQ!
With the Infinity Teppanyaki 600 BBQ, you can enjoy restaurant-quality cooking at home (or on your boat!) – and now, with the 10 amp BBQ option, installation is easier with just a standard power point required!
Look for further details about the longer Infinity Teppanyaki 900 Barbecue, which will be available shortly.
Contact us for further details!